An Unshakeable Peace from God |
Jonathan Yeung |
01/07/2024 |
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Courage for Christ |
Nick Jensen |
12/31/2023 |
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The Good News |
Raymond Kwan |
12/24/2023 |
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A Prophecy of Light 光の預言 |
Raymond Kwan |
12/17/2023 |
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The Reason of God's Wrath |
Kohki Minamida |
12/10/2023 |
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Saul's Turnaround |
Raymond Kwan |
12/03/2023 |
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Saul's Ministry Begins |
Raymond Kwan |
11/26/2023 |
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The Call of Saul |
Raymond Kwan |
11/19/2023 |
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The reality of wrath as known by those rooted in the Gospel |
Kohki Minamida |
11/12/2023 |
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Obedience and the Great Commission |
Raymond Kwan |
11/05/2023 |
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God Opposes the Proud 神は高ぶる者には敵対される |
Jim Ayres |
10/29/2023 |
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The Magician’s Profession |
Raymond Kwan |
10/22/2023 |
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The Gospel Spreads to Samaria |
Raymond Kwan |
10/15/2023 |
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Saul's Persecution of the Church |
Raymond Kwan |
10/01/2023 |
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Are You Jesus' Friend? あなたはイエスの友でしょうか? |
Gary Takahashi |
09/24/2023 |
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God's Omnipotence & Sovereignty 神の主権と主権による支配② |
Gary Takahashi |
09/18/2023 |
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God's Omnipotence & Sovereignty 神の主権と主権による支配① |
Gary Takahashi |
09/17/2023 |
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The Fear of the Lord in Proverbs 箴言に見る主への恐れ② |
Gary Takahashi |
09/16/2023 |
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The Fear of the Lord in Proverbs 箴言に見る主への恐れ① |
Gary Takahashi |
09/15/2023 |
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Gospel rooted Attitudes |
Kohki Minamida |
09/10/2023 |
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A War of Words, Pt.5: The First Martyr 言葉の戦争、パート5:最初の殉教者 |
Raymond Kwan |
09/03/2023 |
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A War of Words, Pt.4: Stephen Strikes Back |
Raymond Kwan |
08/27/2023 |
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A War of Words, Pt.3: Stephen Strikes Back |
Raymond Kwan |
08/20/2023 |
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A War of Words, Pt.2: Stephen Strikes Back |
Raymond Kwan |
08/13/2023 |
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What is the Gospel? |
Raymond Kwan |
08/06/2023 |
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